It seems like Amazon is the go-to shopping website for just about anything and everything these days. From mattresses to beauty products, and from pet supplies to office paper, Amazon seems to have it all. But does Amazon sell CBD oil too?
What people like about Amazon is their Prime membership option which allows you to receive ‘prime’ products with two-day shipping, or sometimes same day shipping. This is great for people who know what they want and know they want it now.
Although Amazon seems to sell just about everything, many wonder if they have begun to sell CBD oil and other CBD products. If they do sell CBD, you may ask yourself, “Is Amazon the place I should be purchasing CBD from?”
In this post, we will discuss whether CBD is sold on Amazon, and dive into whether or not Amazon is the best choice for your CBD oil needs.
Does Amazon Sell CBD Oil?

A quick search on amazon for “CBD oil” will bring up pages and pages of products. But what you will notice is that all the products are labeled “hemp oil” or “hemp-infused.” None of the products will be marked with the word “CBD.”
Amazon has a policy that prohibits the sale of CBD products. Therefore, to get around this, companies will label their products as “hemp” instead of CBD.
There are thousands of hemp products available; however, none have the word CBD listed anywhere on their label, packaging, or product description. This can be confusing to buyers as CBD is derived from hemp, but hemp products do not always contain CBD.
People who are searching for CBD tend to be searching for specifically CBD for a reason. Many people have read about some of the research studies which indicate that CBD may help alleviate symptoms such as pain, anxiety, insomnia, and inflammation. These studies looked at CBD, not hemp oil. This means that hemp oil with an unknown concentration of CBD may not help manage these symptoms as CBD will.
It seems like Facebook and Google have followed suit. Both also have policies against any advertising for CBD products on their platforms. It appears that many places people go to first to look for CBD products have policies that restrict access to information about them. Keep in mind that Google still allows CBD companies to come up during a simple google search; it is just the Google Ads and Facebook Ads, which are affected.
Does Hemp Oil Contain CBD?

Some hemp products contain CBD; however, some hemp products do not. For example, hemp seed oil is from the seeds of the industrial hemp plant and does not contain any CBD. On the other hand, some hemp oil products do contain CBD; however, the amount of CBD in these products varies.
The only way to know if the products contain CBD for sure is byreading reports by third-party testing. Reports from third-parties allow consumers to know if hemp products are simply hemp seed oil or hemp oil with traces of CBD, or if the products do contain a therapeutic amount of CBD.
Is CBD Legal to Buy and Sell?
CBD products are legal to buy, sell, and use in all 50 states of America. The Farm Bill that was passed in 2014 allows farmers to grow the industrial hemp plant. This also made hemp-derived CBD products legal at the federal level. Despite this change in legislation, Amazon still does not sell products labeled CBD. In our opinion, this is a huge miss for Amazon as Forbes estimates that the CBD industry is worth 16 billion dollars!
CBD is derived from the industrial hemp plant, which is in the same family as marijuana. Both are considered to be Cannabis plants; however, their composition is different. The industrial hemp plant contains high levels of CBD or cannabidiol and low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
In comparison to the marijuana plant, which provides considerably higher amounts of THC, to be considered legal in the United States, CBD products must contain less than 0.3% THC. This legal percentage limit separates legal CBD products from other Cannabis products such as marijuana.
Does Amazon Sell High-Quality Hemp and CBD Products?

All the hemp products Amazon sells must leave the word “CBD” off all of their labelings. What this means is that you won’t know if the products contain CBD or, if they do, how much.
Also, many CBD companies pride themselves on the purity and quality standards of their CBD products. To ensure high quality, all of their CBD oils and CBD products undergo rigorous third-party testing to measure the exact level of CBD, THC, heavy metals, microbial, and any other contaminants. These reports are generally available to the consumer on the company’s website, and allows the buyer to then know precisely what they are taking.
Since the products on Amazon do not, and cannot, list CBD on their products, you won’t know how much CBD is in the products you purchase (or THC for that matter).
In most cases, people who are looking for CBD products are wanting CBD for a specific reason. With unlabeled products, a person will have no idea if the products they buy contains a tiny amount, none, or a large amount of CBD.
Also, as previously mentioned, CBD and hemp products must contain less than 0.3% THC to be sold in the United States. However, Web MD reported that in 2017, hundreds of CBD and hemp products were tested, and seven out of ten did not have the same amount of CBD as was advertised. In addition, 20% of the products contained more than 0.3% THC.
Where Should I Buy My CBD Instead of Amazon?
There are several choices for purchasing CBD oil other than Amazon. There are companies out there that are dedicated to selling only CBD products. These companies use third-party testing to ensure their products contain what their label claims, and do not contain higher than 0.3% THC.
When looking for where to purchase CBD oil from, it can be overwhelming. New CBD companies are popping up all the time, and it can be a challenge to sift through all the details to know if you are purchasing a high-quality product at the best price. There are websites, like this one, that are committed to evaluating CBD products and companies to make your job easier.
Final Thoughts
Although Amazon seems like the obvious go-to for almost everything, one area where it does not shine is CBD oil. Amazon has a policy prohibiting the sale of CBD products; however, companies get around this by labeling their products as “hemp” instead. These products may or may not contain CBD, and if they do, the amount of CBD is unknown.
In summary, Amazon sells products which may contain CBD, but it isn’t your best choice for purchasing high-quality, pure CBD products that are reliable. Their policy does customers a disservice as those who buy from Amazon, will not know what they are getting as there are no third-party results indicating levels of CBD as well as THC. Customers may end up with low-quality products with contaminants and potentially higher-than-allowed levels of THC.